Butler’s Lives of Saints, also known as “Lives of the Saints” or simply “Butler’s,” is a comprehensive collection of biographies and hagiographies (accounts of the lives of saints) compiled by Alban Butler. It is considered one of the most authoritative and widely used references on the lives of Christian saints. The book was first published in the 18th century, with the original edition released in four volumes between 1756 and 1759. Since then, it has been revised and expanded numerous times. The most well-known and commonly used version is the “New Full Edition” or “Butler’s Lives of the Saints: Concise Edition,” which contains entries for more than 2,500 saints. The purpose of Butler’s Lives of Saints is to provide a comprehensive record of the lives, virtues, and accomplishments of the saints recognized by the Catholic Church and other Christian denominations. Each entry typically includes information about the saint’s birth, upbringing, spiritual journey, notable events or miracles associated with their life, and their death. It also often includes reflections on the saint’s virtues and their significance in the context of Christian faith.