Autom HCL 25P St Damien Pryr



The Autom HCL 25P St Damien Prayer Card is a religious item that features a prayer dedicated to St. Damien. St. Damien, also known as Father Damien, was a Catholic priest from Belgium who dedicated his life to serving people with leprosy (Hansen’s disease) in the 19th century. The prayer card typically consists of a small card, usually made of durable material like paper or laminated cardstock. On one side, it displays an image or icon of St. Damien, often depicting him in a priestly attire or engaged in his missionary work. The image serves as a visual representation of St. Damien and can evoke a sense of devotion and connection for those who use the prayer card. On the other side of the prayer card, there is a prayer specific to St. Damien. This prayer is meant to honor him, seek his intercession, or express devotion to his life and work. The content of the prayer may vary, but it generally focuses on asking for St. Damien’s guidance, protection, or assistance in times of need. The Autom HCL 25P St Damien Prayer Card is typically compact and portable, allowing individuals to carry it with them in a wallet, pocket, or purse. It can be used for personal prayer, meditation, or as a reminder of St. Damien’s life and teachings.

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SKU: B08HDDYJ76 Category: