HCL 25P St Christ/Pryr Journey



These laminated cards fromGerffert offer the best Catholicimagery in the marketplacetoday. Cards feature adistinctive design with goldfoil stamping on the front and aprayer on the back with crystalclear laminating for durability.On back of this Card: Prayer Before a Journey,May the Almighty and merciful,Lord direct us on the road of peace,and prosperity, and may the Angel,Raphael be our companion on our,journey, so that we may return to,our home and loved ones with,peace, refreshment, and all joy.,Lord God, who led the children of,Israel safely through the Red Sea,,and guided the Wise Men by a star,to the Savior, grant us a safe,journey and favorable weather; so,that, under the guidance of Your,Holy Angels, we may safely reach,our destination and, in due time,,the gate of eternal salvation.,Through the same Christ Our,Lord. Amen. — 2014 Gerffert Art, LLC — Laminated Cardstock — 2.675″ W x 4.375″ H

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BrandChristian Brands
ManufacturerChristian Brand
SKU: B00PU78QTK Category: